

  • Install Django Compressor with your favorite Python package manager:

    pip install django_compressor
  • Add 'compressor' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting:

        # other apps
  • See the list of Settings to modify Django Compressor’s default behaviour and make adjustments for your website.

  • In case you use Django 1.3’s staticfiles contrib app (or its standalone counterpart django-staticfiles) you have to add Django Compressor’s file finder to the STATICFILES_FINDERS setting, for example with django.contrib.staticfiles:

        # other finders..



In case you’re installing Django Compressor differently (e.g. from the Git repo), make sure to install the following dependencies.

  • django-appconf

    Used internally to handle Django’s settings, this is automatically installed when following the above installation instructions.

    pip install django-appconf

  • versiontools

    Used internally to handle versions better, this is automatically installed when following the above installation instructions.

    In case you’re installing Django Compressor differently (e.g. from the Git repo), make sure to install it, e.g.:

    pip install versiontools


  • BeautifulSoup

    For the parser compressor.parser.BeautifulSoupParser and compressor.parser.LxmlParser:

    pip install "BeautifulSoup<4.0"
  • lxml

    For the parser compressor.parser.LxmlParser, also requires libxml2:

    STATIC_DEPS=true pip install lxml
  • html5lib

    For the parser compressor.parser.Html5LibParser:

    pip install html5lib
  • Slim It

    For the Slim It filter compressor.filters.jsmin.SlimItFilter:

    pip install slimit